• Employer-corporate Representation in the Board of Directors of the Institute for Consumer Credit
(in Spanish: FONACOT or Fondo Nacional para el Credito de los Trabajadores)
Ministry of Labor and Social Prevision (S.T.P.S acronym in Spanish)
• Employer-Corporate Representatives at the National Consulting Committee on Workplace Security
and Safety (in Spanish: COCONASST or Comisión Conslultiva Nacional de Seguridad y Salud en
el Trabajo).
• Employer-Corporate Representative at the National Consulting Committee on the Normalization
of Workplace Security and Safety (in Spanish: CCNNSST or Comité Consultivo Nacional de
Normalización de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo).
• Employer-Corporate Representative for the Workplace Inspection Program under designation by
CONCAMIN (or in Spanish: Confederación Nacional de Cámaras Industriales).
International Labor Organization O.I.T.
• Employer-corporate Representation for the International Employer Organization IEO.
• Employer-corporate Representation designation by CONCAMIN to the International Labor
Conference (in Spanish: Conferencia Internacional de Trabajo)
(CONASAMI in Spanish Comisión Nacional de Salarios Mínimos)
• Employer Representation for the Board of Representatives for the National Comission of Minimum
Wages (in Spanish: Consejo de Representantes de la Comisión Nacional de Salarios Mínimos).
Confederation of Industrial Chambers of the United Mexican States
(appointments or elected positions):
• Presidency of Employment and Productivity
• Vice-presidency of Employment and Social Prevention
• Vice-presidency of Employment Normativity
• Employer Representation before the G20, under designation by CONCAMIN
(in Spanish: Confederación Nacional de Cámaras Industriales)